The Center for the Human Rights of Users and Survivors of Psychiatry (CHRUSP) aims to provide strategic leadership in human rights advocacy, implementation and monitoring relevant to people experiencing or labeled with madness, mental health problems or trauma. In particular, CHRUSP works for full legal capacity for all, an end to forced drugging, forced electroshock and psychiatric incarceration, and for support that respects individual integrity and free will. CHRUSP is a user/survivor-run DPO and human rights organization, with Special Consultative Status to UN ECOSOC. CHRUSP emphasizes advocacy, capacity-building and concept development in five areas related to our mission: promoting consensus on interpretation; law reform; monitoring and enforcement; sharing information and awareness-raising; and extending the normative framework to related issues. See Areas of Work for details. CHRUSP works at the global level, in cooperation with user/survivor organizations and allies anywhere in the world; and at the national level in the United States, where it originated. CHRUSP organizes the Absolute Prohibition Campaign, which is open to all people who support the absolute prohibition of commitment and forced treatment, see Please email us if interested. CHRUSP also hosts a CRPD Course taught from a survivor of psychiatry perspective; it is currently available for self-directed study at
HistoryCHRUSP was conceived during the last year of the negotiations of the Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities, in 2006. Two of CHRUSP's founders had been involved in the negotiations and wanted to create a human rights organization run by users and survivors of psychiatry, dedicated to the vision of change set out in the Convention as a result of our work. CHRUSP sees its role as complementary to representative organizations like the World Network of Users and Survivors of Psychiatry (see and regional organizations in Africa, Asia-Pacific Region, Europe, and Latin America. CHRUSP works independently and also with other organizations and independent activists in the user/survivor movement, disability rights movement and human rights community.
About this WebsiteWe hope you will use this website as a resource for materials in human rights advocacy, and to learn more about CHRUSP. We welcome your feedback, ideas and support. About Us
Video Introduction to the IssuesHere is a video interview with Tina Minkowitz from a DVD called Visions available from The video was made in 2005, while the CRPD was still in process of development. Segments include: Introduction, psychiatric disability, CRPD, legal capacity No deprivation of liberty based on disability Forced interventions as torture Outcome of the treaty and references |
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